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July Birthstone – Ruby

July 1, 2017

Rubies, also known as the “king of precious gems,” are the birthstone for July. Symbolizing passion and energy, rubies are said to bring the wearer love and success. The ruby make the perfect wedding gift and is the traditional gift for celebrating a 15th or 40th wedding anniversary.

The word ruby comes from the Latin rubens which means red. The only difference between a ruby and a sapphire is the color! Both are corundum minerals. Those that are light pink are called pink sapphires, while only the deeply rich red gemstones are qualified to be rubies. It’s an extremely hard and durable stone, second only to the diamond. Rubies have been found all over the world, including Myanmar, Africa, Australia and the USA.

The ruby has been revered since ancient time. According to ancient folklore, people of India believed rubies would help them be at peace with their enemies.  For centuries, royalty has emphasized their ruling status by wearing the crimson gems in their crowns, jewelry, and apparel. They have also worn rubies to enhance their wisdom when faced with crucial decisions, especially regarding financial matters. Due to its deep red color, ruby has long been associated with the life force and vitality of blood. It is believed to amplify energy, heighten awareness, promote courage and bring success in wealth, love and battle.

Ruby Earrings

ruby earrings

Ruby Bracelet

ruby bracelet

Ruby Necklace

ruby necklase

Ruby Ring

ruby ring